Cross-Cultural Consulting Services


How Gugins core competencies can help your organisation

Post-Merger integration

Gugin facilitates the post-merger integration process so you don’t lose focus on your business, your customers and your employees


Corporate Culture Development

Gugin facilitates a cultural change process so your corporate culture supports your strategic objectives


Cultural Due Diligence

We asses your corporate culture and develop a detailed cultural DNA of your organisation. With that you know your true strengths and weaknesses


Organisational Change

Gugin facilitates organisational change to create winning, innovative organisations.


Creating Innovative Organisations

Innovation only happens if the culture promotes it. We help you create such a culture


Internationalisation strategy

Expanding outside your cultural comfort zone requires new skills, we halp you develop and implement the right strategy

Gugin creates winning cultures for airlines and airports

The Aviation Industry

Gugin helps airlines and airports taking advantage of the cultural diversity. We also help airlines and airports creating compatitive advantage from their corporate cultures. Anyone can fly a person from A to B, but only those who can make the journey memorable will make money. We help you making your culture your strongest competitive asset. Don’t forget – No one can copy your culture

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