Here are some of Gugin most popular courses
Anyone can copy your product, but nobody can copy your culture
Invest in your Corporate Culture
Here is why you should put your corporate in the centre of everything you do. 2/3 of all mergers and acquisitions fail to meet their objectives because of cultural clashes. A bad corporate culture has a huge negative influence on employee performance and employee satisfaction. If you have a bad corporate culture your customers can feel it too – just like you can feel if someone is lying to you.
On the other hand, when you have a great corporate culture people will work for less and your customers will pay more for your products and services.
Furthermore, your organisation will be far more innovative and agile because people feel safe and happy.
The ideal corporate culture doesn’t develop itself
When a group of people are together they will always develop a culture, but most likely not the culture you need to succeed. Let Gugin help you develop and implement a culture that supports your strategic objectives and goals. This is the very best way to create sustainable competitive advantage.
Years of experience
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Typical Gugin Consulting Projects
Gugin helps companies develop a Culture that supports their strategy and values
If the company culture doesn’t support your strategy and the values you desire, it is like driving a car with one foot on the speeder and the other on the brake pedal. You spend a lot of resources but you get nowhere. Gugin can help you develop a company culture that truly supports your strategy and values
Gugin facilitates Post-merger integration
2/3 of all mergers and acquisitions fail to meet their objectives due to cultural clashes. Gugin helps companies with the cultural integration process so you don’t lose your most important assets – your emaployees and your customers.
Gugin helps companies develop cultures that promote sustainability to employees, customers and investors
When a company wants to become more sustainable a cultural change is needed. The new values have to be backed by action and bold decisions. Gugin helps create the new values and define the new ideal company culture. We assess the difference between the current and desired culture and develop a plan for how to get there. Gugin also facilitates the cultural change process together with the client
Gugin facilitates smooth generation change in family owned companies
Family owned companies often have very strong cultures. But the next generation often want to set a new direction. Gugin help these companies with the cultural change when a new generation takes over.
Gugin helps you make your corporate culture your most valuable asset
Gugin is your global partner on all issues related to cross-cultural leadership or when you want to leverage cultural diversity in the best possible way
We help you develop the right corporate culture
Our cultural due diligence process gives us the cultural DNA of your current culture. We describe the ideal cultural DNA based on your strategy, your desired values and a number of other factors. Then we outline the gabs for each element in the cultural DNA between the current culture and the desired culture and provide a plan for how to fill the gap. We then facilitate the cultural chance while we train you to do it yourself in the future.
We help you to determine the real cultural strengths and weaknesses of your organisation
Knowing the real cultural strengths and weaknesses of your organisation is crucial when you want to understand why customers are happy with you, or not happy with you. It is crucial when you want to understand why your employees leave. Our cultural audit will give you the answers you need
We train your organisation to become more cultural intelligent
A high level of cultural intelligence is necessary on all levels of the organisation. When you have a high level of cultural intelligence you are more innovative, you solve conflicts intelligently and you are more successful as a company because you better understand the world around you
We coach your leaders and your teams when they need it
With Gugins online coaching we can coach your leaders, managers and teams when they need it. Time is everything when it comes to finding answers to cross-cultural issues. That is why Gugins coaching service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Gugin step in when there is a crisis
Gugin can step in at short notice if there is a leadership crisis, an internal or external cultural issue or you need a fast response to a cultural dilemma
A winning corporate culture sets you ahead of the competition
Your company culture is the glue that keeps your organisation together on a rainy day and when you have to go through periods of change. All organisations have a culture, but most of them don’t support the organisations’ strategies and missions. Does your corporate culture? Gugin analyses your organisation and brings you back on track.
Your Corporate Culture is your key to success
In a world where products get copied in no time and we have access to more information than ever before it has become increasingly difficult to build brands in the traditional way. Instead, the corporate- or company culture has become one of the key differentiators between success and failure.
Your ability to create a culture that attracts the right employees, the right customers and the right investors is a hard job, especially for managers or leaders who think it is all about economy and that culture is something you have as a side dish for marketing purposes.
Below you can see the outline of the cultural change process we facilitate when developing a new corporate culture together with a clients. It is an iterative process that the client needs to take ownership of as it never stops. Cultural change is constant. Today’s winning corporate culture will not be the winniner tomorrow.
Here are some of the companies had chosen to work with Gugin