Food for Thoughts from Gugin

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I just say things as they are…

I just say things as they are…

"I just say things as they are" is a phrase you might hear quite often. Maybe even without paying attention to it. If you - as we do in Gugin work with leadership development, conflict reconciliation and cultural identities you DO pay attention to phrases like that....

Cross-Cultural Team Development in the Southern French Alps

Cross-Cultural Team Development in the Southern French Alps

Develop your team's intercultural competencies in one of Europe's largest nature reserves, Parc National du Mercantour. We can learn so much from nature and we want you to use wild nature as inspiration for your own and your team's development. For many years, Gugin...

The potential curse of the next generation in family-owned companies

The potential curse of the next generation in family-owned companies

Many of the companies who have been in business for more than 100 years are family-owned and Hoshi Ryokan, Founded in 718 AD, in Japan, Hoshi Ryokan is the oldest continuously operated family business in the world Most people and the vast majority of the entertainment...

How to deal with tough dilemmas as a leader

How to deal with tough dilemmas as a leader

Leadership is a challenging journey filled with tough dilemmas. As a leader, it is crucial to have the skills and strategies to navigate these difficult situations effectively. In this blog post, we will explore some examples of tough dilemmas and provide insights on...

Here are 9 reasons why you must have a strong company culture

Here are 9 reasons why you must have a strong company culture

Here is a reminder of why your company culture is your most important asset. Your company culture must be nurtured and cultivated like any other asset - otherwise, it loses its value. We have listed 9 good reasons why a strong company culture is crucial for any...

An employee betrays you. What do you do?

An employee betrays you. What do you do?

Most people have tried being betrayed by another person. How we deal with it in a personal setting can vary a lot depending on the circumstances and our personal attitudes. When it happens in a company when someone betrays the company in one or the other way, we need...

Leadership Keynote Speaker by Dr Finn Majlergaard

Leadership Keynote Speaker by Dr Finn Majlergaard

Leadership keynote speaker, Dr Finn Majlergaard delivers thought-provoking global leadership speeches and workshops all over the world, based on 25 years of experience with 600+ companies. Anyone can copy your product but no one can copy your culture. Learn to become the best in leadership

The Nobel peace Prize to Europe – A Warning

I am always looking forward to see who are honored with the Nobel peace prize. Usually the winner of this prestigious award has done a lot to promote peace or fight injustice in a part of the world that deserves international attention - a Nobel peace prize...

When we accept behaviour today we wouldn’t accept before

When we accept behaviour today we wouldn’t accept before

Why we accept behaviour we didn't accept before Unlike what we might initially think cultural values change over time. That is the truth for any culture - in fact no culture would be able to survice if it didn't adapt to the external environment all the time. When I...

Cultural Intelligence, what is it and how do you develop it?

Cultural Intelligence, what is it and how do you develop it?

What is Cultural Intelligence? Wikipedia defines Cultural Intelligence or CQ as "Cultural intelligence or cultural quotient (CQ) is a term used in business, education, government and academic research. Cultural intelligence can be understood as the capability to...

Is Islam = Terrorism?

Is Islam = Terrorism?

Is Terrorism = Islam? Of course not It is easy to judge the terror attacks we have witnessed in Paris as a spin-off of radical islamism as all of the terrorists were muslims. I am writing this short article because I have worked with this subject for quite many years...

The New Homeless

Home means protection, belonging, feelings of ownership, safety, and overall a place where everything is known. At home, we understand the way things work and the relationships among others. We learn from others (parents) or teach others (brothers and sisters, sons...

Here is the one thing that resolves most cultural conflicts

Here is the one thing that resolves most cultural conflicts

Cultural conflicts in the workplace Most times when I do speeches or workshops I ask the audience if they have ever been in cultural conflicts they could have avoided if they had been more cultural intelligent at that time. Mostly 90 - 100% answer yes to that...

Gugins services – How are they developed

Gugins services – How are they developed

  This short article is going to deal with one of the questions we are asked very often; "How are Gugins services developed and how do you know where to focus?" To answer the second part of the question first, the answer is easy - we ask our clients. Since 2001...

The top 5 corporate culture challenges for managers

The top 5 corporate culture challenges for managers

Here are the 5 most significant challenges managers of multicultural teams are facing. The list is based on more than 600 clients Gugin has worked with across the Globe. Contact us if these challenges look familiar to you. We will love to hear about them. Maybe we can help.

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