This is where the blog post goes
Cultural Competences – Sweet or Salty?
Culture beyond the basic concept of folklore is a complex heritage for all human beings. We learn first from our parents, then our family and relatives, and then the environment around us. Culture is transmitted through the process of learning and interacting with...

Cross-Cultural Team Development in the Southern French Alps
Develop your team's intercultural competencies in one of Europe's largest nature reserves, Parc National du Mercantour. We can learn so much from nature and we want you to use wild nature as inspiration for your own and your team's development. For many years, Gugin...

United Airlines corporate culture – a patient to be examined
The United Airlines corporate culture exposed When a Kentucky physician was dragged off a United Airlines plane it naturally created headlines around the world as it was an incomprehensible act, which didn't make sense to anybody. If it had been a violent passenger or...

How creative are you? And how do you turn it into innovation?
We often hear about the need for being creative. We even have a so-called creative class. It is usually people ( all dressed in black ) working in the advertising industry. They claim they have unique skills when it comes to creativity and they are excellent at luring...

Managing exceptions :: The key to excellent performance
This article is about managing exceptions and why excellence in this ability makes us stand out as leaders. Many years ago, right after graduating from University I got a job with IBM as a trainee and had to learn to make advanced computer programs in "C" - a widely...