Cultural challenges in the healthcare industry are blocking innovation and service improvements

Effective Healthcare is crucial

With increased pressure on healthcare-systems innovation is more crucial than ever before. Innovation only happens if people feel safe trying something new. But only by trying something new you can make the healthcare systems more effective and provide better service at a lower cost.

Gugin helps you create that effective healthcare culture and we teach you to collaborate and innovate effectively across professional groups, age groups and company cultures.

You choose the time and venue, Gugin can also host your workshop on the French Riviera in the mountains.

if you choose that option we guarantee you that all your senses will be stimulated and you will expand your comfort zone dramatically


What kind of hospital and cliniqs do you work with?

We work with all kinds including veterinarian hospitals and clinics. It is because we focus on leveraging the cultural diversity and teach people from different backgrounds to work and innovate together.

Which geographical are do you cover?

We are a global firm and we have clients all over the world. Workshops and courses can also be facilitated on the French Riviera, where Gugin has its headquarter. That is entirely up to you.

We can't all leave at the same time

We understand that perfectly. It is, therefore, possible to split it into convenient modules over a few days. We always find a solution so your daily operation isn’t jeopardised.

Can you tailor a program specially for us?

Of course, this is what we most of do, when a client decided to take their team to us on the French Riviera. It gives us the opportunity to use action-based learning to the widest extent. It will be an unforgettable experience.

What kind of consulting services do you offer to the healthcare industry?

All the consulting service we have described on this side are customised to the healthcare industry. That means corporate culture development, post-merger integration, identifying your cultural DNA etc.

Kick-off your innovation and collaboration improvement process with this Gugin workshop

Workshop: Improve collaboration and boost effectiveness and innovation in the healthcare industry

Facilitating cultural change in the healthcare industry can be challenging because we on one side have the experienced doctors who promote the best practices we are comfortable with and on the other side we have the younger doctors who promote all the new opportunities the new technology gives us. This workshop is about how we can reconcile this dilemma so both the older and younger doctors and the patients benefit from the diversity.

What will you and your team get out of the healthcare effectiveness workshop?

  • You will learn how to turn the dilemmas to your advantage
  • You will learn how to synergise from having a diverse group of people
  • You will discover new strong sides of your team members

Hours excluding Breaks – 1 Facilitator – 30 People maximum

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