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Check if your colleagues are cultural intelligent

Check if your colleagues are cultural intelligent

The not so cultural intelligent Colleague - a true story You are a sales representative for a large global software company in the United Kingdom. You consider yourself cultural intelligent as you have worked in many countries around the world in many different...

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How to successfully screw up a business meeting

How to successfully screw up a business meeting

It happens all the time - we screw up a business meeting. We have an important business meeting coming up (first meeting with mother-in-law included) and we need it go well. We are well-prepared. We know all the numbers forward and backwards, we have our sales pitches...

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Post-merger integration – the top 3 reasons why it usually fails

Post-merger integration – the top 3 reasons why it usually fails

According to most surveys, including those from BusinessWeek and McKinsey quarterly 2/3 of all mergers and acquisitions fail to meet their objectives due to cultural clashes. In Gugin we have spent thousands of hours and a lot of money researching the reason behind this and develop services that help bring down that ratio.

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