This is where the blog post goes

Can you do too much for your employees?
We raise the question because we did a large survey for a client last month that gave some surprising results - results that will require some further research - for sure, but we will disclose the conclusions with you in this article. We have anonymised the name and...

Why is Cross-Cultural Leadership so challenging?
Cross Cultural Management is challenging to most managers. This article outlines 3 of the challenges and suggests how you can deal with them

You can’t make a dog happy by wagging its tail
This post is about employee satisfaction. More specifically about why it is so hard to achieve and why we continuously continue to do all the wrong things to increase employee satisfaction. My motivation to write this post comes from many of our clients, who don't...

The potential curse of the next generation in family-owned companies
Many of the companies who have been in business for more than 100 years are family-owned and Hoshi Ryokan, Founded in 718 AD, in Japan, Hoshi Ryokan is the oldest continuously operated family business in the world Most people and the vast majority of the entertainment...

Gugins services – How are they developed
This short article is going to deal with one of the questions we are asked very often; "How are Gugins services developed and how do you know where to focus?" To answer the second part of the question first, the answer is easy - we ask our clients. Since 2001...