How will Artificial Intelligence change your Corporate Culture?

A Keynote Speech by Dr Finn Majlergaard

It is much easier destroying a company culture than you might think – despite it has taken many years, sometimes even decades to build. This thought-provoking speech is about how you can destroy your company culture really quickly

What you need to know before booking this speech on how Artificial Intelligence will change your Corporate Culture?

Who is this speech aimed at?

This speech is aimed at decision-makers in companies of all sizes. 

Why should you book this speech?


It is easy being excited about new technology like artificial intelligence. But we must never forget that when some people in the organisation are excited others have a growing fear for the future. Will they become redundant? Can we trust artificial intelligence? 

The employees have feelings for their company – mostly good ones. When we go through major transformations like the 4th industrial revolution it is important we get everyone on board. 

This speech is about what you can do to prepare your organisation for artificial intelligence and other significant game-changing technologies. And you have to prepare the organisation for change. If you don’t you are at risk at losing your most important asset; your employees and your strong corporate culture.

Where is the keynote speech delivered?

Dr Finn Majlergaard delivers his keynote speeches all over the world, either at conferences or at corporate events. Often the speeches are followed up by a work or training session for a smaller audience. You can learn more about Gugins training sessions and workshops here.

Who is Dr Finn Majlergaard?

Dr Finn Majlergaard is the founder and CEO of Gugin. Gugin has helped more than 600 companies around the world with corporate culture change, post-merger integration, crisis management and cultural turn-around. Apart from being an award-winning keynote speaker, he is also a professor at several business schools and universities around the world. He has published several books and he is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine and Financier Worldwide. He holds a doctorate degree from International School of Management in Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai and New York and an MBA from Henley Business School. He has also founded several other companies and is on the board of directors of several companies that share his values and ambitions.

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