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- Create Date 13. August, 2021
- Last Updated 27. October, 2022
Aviation Update Magazine: Future Cultural Challenges for Airlines and Airports
Read about the Future Cultural Challenges for Airlines and Airports and how to address these challenges according to Gugin
Assuming we are all alike is one of the greatest mistakes we human beings are making all the time. Another mistake we constantly make is to assume that our way of doing things is the only right way. So when people do things differently e.g. how people queue up or what we ascribe status to we try to educate them to do or see it our way. This
is usually not well received and a conflict starts.
Until today people around the world have largely agreed on how we should behave in an airport and onboard an aircraft. The passenger growth has been so moderate that all the new passengers adopted the existing behavioural patterns without any major questions. With the rapid
growth in the number of passengers ahead, we will experience a lot of cultural clashes both in the airport and on board the aircraft because some of the new passenger groups have cultural norms and values far from the existing group of passengers.