Spice up your next conference or corporate event
with a thought-provoking keynote speech on how your corporate culture can become your strongest asset that nobody can copy
Here are some topics for your inspiration
How to destroy your company culture in 5 easy steps
It is much easier destroying a company culture than you might think – despite it has taken many years, sometimes even decades to build. This thought-provoking speech is about how you can destroy your company culture really quickly.
How will Artificial Intelligence change your Corporate Culture?
What happens when the hero in the organisation is no longer a senior person but a computer? What happens when your boss tells you that he trust the computer more than he trusts you? What happens when you get fired because your job can be better done by a computer?
How to get the right heroes in your organisation?
In this speech, Dr Finn Majlergaard will give examples of how having the wrong corporate heroes has damaged the company. And then he will demonstrate how you can identify and develop the right heroes in your organisation. Heroes that support your objectives and the development of your desired corporate culture
The Power of Culture: How It Can Make or Break Your ESG Transformation
The green transformation can only happen if the company culture supports it. In this speech, Dr Finn Majlergaard will show how you create a culture that enables ESG transformation. He will also talk about some of the common pitfalls and share experiences from the clients he and Gugin have worked with.
Improve Collaboration and Innovation in the Healthcare Industry
Learn how to create a culture where collaboration across functions and profession is encouraged and how to fuel cross-functional innovation at hospitals and clinics.
How to hire people who fit into your Corporate Culture
You can always teach people new skills but you can’t change their attitude. Learn how you hire people who fit into your corporate culture from the very beginning
How to solve cultural conflicts the Intelligent way
Cultural clashes between different professions inside a company are damaging to both company performance, employee- and customer satisfaction. Learn how to solve them the right way.
What does a cultural Intelligent leader look like?
What skills do you need to leverage the cultural diversity in your organisation? Are you born with those skills or can you actually learn them?
Client Testimonials for Keynote Speaker Finn Majlergaard
“Finn is an incredibly knowing and creative person, with a broad range of tools up his
Per Striegler, Business Consultant ǀ Strategy ǀ Leadership ǀ Management ǀ Results since 1994 ǀ Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptos
“Finn’s one of those rare mixes of a visionary, great entrepreneur, a get things done type, skilled to the teeth intelligent and nice on top of that. What can
Jan Karel Kleijn, Entrepreneur, Fixer, Mentor at Rockstart Accelerator
“Finn is utterly right when pointing out that in international settings, cultural awareness is of paramount importance, yet often dealt with poorly. His insights into globally operating businesses, and his research into the
Hermann Bohnekamp, Senior Advisor at Rödl & Partner
“Finn is a nice
Arnoud Bernelot Moens, Director of Global Sales & Marketing at Intertrust Group
“Finn is one of the most outstanding ‘cross-cultural’ experts in consulting I came across in my works. Definitely going the extra mile to make a difference in his expertise, it is no wonder that he is requested globally to contribute to projects or programmes of great significance! I highly recommend Finn to all international large projects and assignments at any time, any place, anywhere!! An honour to recommend Finn!”
Peter R. Luiks, CEO at PERLU Investment Banking, Financial Tradings
Finn is an innovative wide-thinking person, with a strong focus on his customers, their needs, and getting the job done.
Richard Copley Transformation, innovation and change expert, specialising in legal services.
All keynote speeches and workshops are customised to your needs
Dr Finn Majlergaard
CEO Gugin, Professor, Author, Keynote Speaker
Award-winning keynote speaker Dr Finn Majlergaard is the founder and CEO of Gugin – a globally operating consulting and training firm. Gugin is specialised in creating winning corporate cultures for companies and organisations around the world.
Dr Finn Majlergaard delivers thought-provoking speeches to any audience. His purpose is to make people think outside the box by leveraging cultural diversity. It will not be boring! He spends a lot of time on preparation every time, so you get a right to the point speech.
He founded the company in 2001 and he and his colleagues have worked with hundreds of companies and organisations in 5 continents.
He is also an entrepreneur and has founded several companies including Educated Singles and Find Supervisor
Dr Finn Majlergaard teaches at several business schools and universities around the world and he facilitates several executive leadership classes at world-leading business schools, among them HEC Executive Education in Paris.
He has published two books on leveraging cultural diversity and how to create competitive advantage from cultural diversity. They can be found on all major online bookstores
He is also a member of the Society of Industry leaders and a fellow at The World Certification Institute.
Finn Majlergaard holds a doctoral degree from International School of Management in Paris, New York, Tokyo and Shanghai. He wrote his doctoral dissertation on how to create competitive advantage from cultural diversity. He also holds an MBA from Henley Management College, UK and he wrote his MBA dissertation on how to motivate and reward multicultural teams in the most effective way.
Prior to founding Gugin, Finn Majlergaard had senior management positions in global companies like IBM, CSC and Arthur Andersen Business Consulting.
How to book Keynote Speaker Dr Finn Majlergaard for a Speech or Workshop
Contact Gugin directly for an inquiry and booking
Et dansk speaker bureau der repræsenterer Dr Majlergaard i Danmark
MENA Speakers
Dubai based Speakers Bureau that represents Dr Majlergaard in the Middle East
Chartwell Speakers Agency
London, New York and Hong Kong-based Speakers Bureau that represents Dr Majlergaard Globally
Pro Motivate Speakers Agency
London based Speakers Bureau that represents Dr Majlergaard Globally
One of the worlds leading speaker agencies.
Right Selection Speakers Bureau
India based Speakers Bureau that represents Dr Majlergaard Globally
Other resources for Keynote Speaker Finn Majlergaard