Gugin Masterclass on navigating tough leadership dilemmas.

3 – 4 June 2024, Nice, France

Learn how tackle tough dilemmas as a leader

Leadership is a challenging journey filled with tough dilemmas. As a leader, it is crucial to have the skills and strategies to navigate these difficult situations effectively. In this interactive masterclass, we will explore some examples of tough dilemmas and provide insights on how you can deal with them. Discover practical techniques, innovative approaches, and collaborative problem-solving methods that will empower you to overcome dilemmas that come your way.

What will you learn?


Day 1: Understanding Dilemmas and Leadership

Morning Session:

9:00  – 9:30 : Welcome and mutual introduction
9:30  – 10:30 : Introduction to Dilemmas in Leadership: Theoretical Frameworks and Models (e.g., Ethical Decision-Making Models, Dual Process Theory)
10:30  – 11:00 : Break
11:00  – 12:30 : Exploring Types of Dilemmas Faced by Leaders: Case Studies and Group Discussions
12:30  – 13:30 : Lunch Break

Afternoon Session:

13:30  – 14:30 : Application of Dilemma Theories in Leadership Decision-Making
14:30  – 15:30 : Role-playing Exercises: Applying Dilemma Theories in Real-time Scenarios
15:30  – 16:00 : Break
16:00  – 17:30 : Group Activities: Analyzing Dilemmas through Different Theoretical Lenses

Day 2: Practical Strategies and Application

Morning Session:

9:00  – 10:00 : Recap and Reflection on Dilemma Theories Discussed on Day 1
10:00  – 11:30 : Building Resilience: Coping Strategies for Leaders Facing Dilemmas
11:30  – 12:00 : Break
12:00  – 13:00 : Effective Communication in Difficult Situations: Applying Dilemma Theory Perspectives
13:00  – 14:00 : Lunch Break


Afternoon Session:

    14:00  – 15:30 : Conflict Resolution Techniques for Leaders: Integrating Dilemma Theories
    15:30  – 16:00 : Break
    16:00  – 16:30 : Action Planning and Next Steps: Implementing Dilemma Theory-Informed Strategies
    16:30 Closing Remarks and Certificate Distribution

    This agenda combines theoretical discussions of various dilemma frameworks with practical applications, ensuring participants gain a comprehensive understanding of how to apply these theories effectively in real-world leadership scenarios.

    Practical information

    Masterclass fee is 975€, which includes:

    • Your seat in the masterclass
    • Masterclass material
    • Lunch both days
    • Dinner day 1
    • Coffee/tea and refreshments throughout the day

    This is not included:

    Your seat is guaranteed after payment of masterclass fee.

    Why should you choose Cross-Cultural training from Gugin?

    From we started the company in 2001 we knew we would need an engine that could keep us ahead of the competition and constantly deliver world-class consultance and training. The world is constantly changing and we need to change with it and indeally develop services that addresses the agenda of tomorrow. Gugin stands on 3 pilars: Consulting, Training and Research. They fuel each other with great ideas for innovation and service development. When, for instance, we are helping a company with corporate cultural change we might discover cross-cultural issues, we haven’t seen before. We then reseach it further and find a great solution to the client and we can upgrade our training portfolio.

    So you will NEVER experience us using 50 years old research, like Hofstede’s cultural dimensions that promotes cultural stereotypes based on nationalities. In fact our research has shown that these stereotypes don’t exist and that if you are promoting stereotypes like “the french are like… and the canadians are like…” you will just create more conflicts.

    In everything we do, we focus on how you can synergies from the cultural diversity and our approach is generic. Bringing different nationalities together is no different from bringing different companies, different professions, different age-groups or different sub-cultures inside a company together. All our training gives you generic tool for levelraging the cultural diversity, no matter where it exist.

    We develop generic cultural intelligence you can use every where 

    Gugin’s teaching and facilitation style

    This masterclass offered by Gugin utilizes immersive learning methodologies, placing significant emphasis on practical application. Through active engagement with the presented tools, you will acquire a comprehensive understanding and proficiency in effectively incorporating these new problem-solving instruments into your skill set by the course’s conclusion.

    Gugin Masterclass options

    We hope to welcome you to the Gugin masterclass in Nice, France. Additionally, you have the opportunity to arrange this exclusive masterclass for your own leadership team. Feel free to reach out to us for further information.

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