How to Identify and Repair a Toxic Workplace Culture

6 Hours excluding breaks – 1 facilitator – 18 people Maximum

What will you learn?

With this 1-day workshop on toxic workplace cultures, you will learn how to identify a toxic workplace culture and you will learn how to repair it by imposing cultural changes on the organisation. Many are only looking at toxic behaviour and propose ways to deal with that. It is however Gugin’s experience that sustainable change has to start with changing the culture. Toxic behaviour only exists because it is accepted in the current culture.

So in this workshop, we bring all our expertise and experience to the table to help you identify and repair a toxic workplace culture. But first, you need to ask yourself some questions:

  • Why do we accept a toxic workplace culture in our organisations?
  • How did that culture develop?
  • What consequences does this toxic work environment have on the people, company performance, customers, etc?

When you have answered these questions you can start moving forward by changing the culture of your organisation. Initially you change a culture by rewarding a certain behaviour and – if necessary – punishing other types of behaviour. You will also learn about cultural nudging as a tool to change the culture



After this workshop

  1. You will know how to identify toxic patterns in workplace cultures
  2. You will know how to start the process of changing a toxic workplace culture
  3. You will know how to communicate the issues in a way so that your peers understand the need for a cultural change

Who is this workshop aimed at?

This workshop is suitable both as an in-house course for experienced managers and leaders from the same company or as an open course, where participants with certain seniority and experience from several companies and organisations are participating. This workshop is designed to be very interactive with participants sharing their own experiences so that we together can develop solutions that are both timely, relevant and effective.

When we facilitate this workshop with participants from several companies, we will do it in such a way no one will be encouraged to share confidential or sensitive information about their own organisation.




Which topics do we cover?

The first part of the workshop is about behaviour is linked to culture. A behaviour – good or bad, is always accepted in the subculture in which it takes place. So our first subject is to develop an understanding of the relationship between norms and values on one side and the behaviour on the other. 

We then move on to looking at the different kinds of toxicity in an organisation. It is not always the leadership who is exercising or promoting the toxic work environment but it is always the leadership who has the responsibility to repair a toxic work environment. We will also look at how you assess the magnitude of the toxic workplace culture. Does everybody feel the culture bad or is it just certain groups or individuals?

When you have assessed the situation correctly we can move on to starting the cultural repair process.

We will introduce you to tools you can use to start the cultural change process towards repairing the toxic workplace culture.

Throughout the workshop we will provide you with a lot of anonymised examples from organisations we have worked with and the solutions they have found to minimise or even eliminate the toxic work environment.


Why should you choose Cross-Cultural training from Gugin?

From we started the company in 2001 we knew we would need an engine that could keep us ahead of the competition and constantly deliver world-class consultance and training. The world is constantly changing and we need to change with it and indeally develop services that addresses the agenda of tomorrow. Gugin stands on 3 pilars: Consulting, Training and Research. They fuel each other with great ideas for innovation and service development. When, for instance, we are helping a company with corporate cultural change we might discover cross-cultural issues, we haven’t seen before. We then reseach it further and find a great solution to the client and we can upgrade our training portfolio.

So you will NEVER experience us using 50 years old research, like Hofstede’s cultural dimensions that promotes cultural stereotypes based on nationalities. In fact our research has shown that these stereotypes don’t exist and that if you are promoting stereotypes like “the french are like… and the canadians are like…” you will just create more conflicts.

In everything we do, we focus on how you can synergies from the cultural diversity and our approach is generic. Bringing different nationalities together is no different from bringing different companies, different professions, different age-groups or different sub-cultures inside a company together. All our training gives you generic tool for levelraging the cultural diversity, no matter where it exist.

We develop generic cultural intelligence you can use every where 

About Gugin Training Modules

All our corporate training modules are designed as intensive, interactive learning modules. You can combine the training modules almost as you like. They can also fit into your existing training programs or corporate university curriculum. We also have longer, more in-depth courses. Please see the complete list of standard courses we offer. We also design a lot of specialised training and coaching programs together with our clients if the existing courses don’t meet the needs.

Prerequisites for attending

The attendees are expected to have personal cross-cultural experiences that include having been in situations where they were uncertain about what to do because they were outside their cultural comfort zone.


You will organise the venue – everything included – and manage the participants. Gugin will provide instructor and course material. Gugin can also be a full-service course organiser, but usually, our clients want to organise the practicalities themselves. You can invite 12-18 people to each course module, depending on the course or workshop. Please check specific limitations for each Gugin course, workshop or seminar


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