How will the introduction of Artificial Intelligence affect the corporate culture and the people working in the organisation?

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Which Rules are you ready to break to be considered a Leader?

I gave my students in “Leadership across Cultures” the exam question: “Which rules and norms will you break in order to be considered a leader?” This article covers some of the findings and delivers a glimpse of what future employers can expect from ambitious american students

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Why Business Leaders shouldn’t run Countries

Why Business Leaders shouldn’t run Countries

We often hear the argument that a country should be run like a business. We hear that politicians are talentless and that they have no knowledge about the real life. The people who are standing on the side shouting this are usually people who are (or claim to be)...

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Your Comfort Zone is the most dangerous Place to be

Your Comfort Zone is the most dangerous Place to be

I recently facilitated a global leadership workshop for a group of very introverted MBA students - actually the most introverted group I have ever had. It was not a group of executive MBA students so they have both their life and challenges ahead of them. One of the...

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