Develop your team’s intercultural competencies in one of Europe’s largest nature reserves, Parc National du Mercantour. We can learn so much from nature and we want you to use wild nature as inspiration for your own and your team’s development. For many years, Gugin has facilitated leadership training in the Borneo rainforest. We have learned that taking the participants far out of their comfort zone is the best enabler for rethinking and learning. 

We can do exactly the same in Parc National du Mercantour in South-East France.

The unique experience that strengthens the bonds in your team

Understanding the power of diversity and innovation is best achieved in nature because that is the way the different plants and animals survive. The different plants are all fighting for the same resources; water and sunlight and they often find extraordinary ways of collaborating and competing at the same time. We can learn from that.

When you and your team are outside your comfort zone – together, you will take on new rules and reveal different sides of yourself to each other – sides you would never show in a familiar environment. 

Imagine a program that takes place in an idyllic, 1000-year-old mountain village (Saint Martin Vesubie) where we can take shorter or longer trips up in the mountains for learning, reflection and idea creation. The opportunities are almost endless for designing an unforgettable leadership development program. 

What does a typical program look like?

A typical cross-cultural leadership development program can look like this:


The above example is of course just an example. The outdoor opportunities vary across the year with hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. Again, everything is tailored to your desire, needs and budget.

Gugin Leadership workshop in the mountains

Being in the high mountains in clean air and with no noise releases new energy and new ideas. It gives you and your team the opportunity to step back, reflect and make new directions for your organisation

This is the village that will be the base for your workshop. Saint Martin Vesubie is the ideal place when you want to be in great nature and still have all the best life has to offer. And it is only 1 hour from Nice airport

Gugin leadership workshops in the Alps

Get in touch and tell us what you want to achieve

The best way to move forward is to contact us and tell us what you want to achieve with your team and your organisation. Then we can start the dialogue and planning from there

  • We align your corporate culture with your strategy.
  • We take you safely through major changes in your organisation.
  • We develop the crucial cultural intelligence in your organisation by training your employees and leaders
  • We help you develop a competitive advantage with a unique corporate culture

Gugin has helped more than 600 companies around the world creating a winning corporate culture.

Contact Gugin

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