Innovation acceleration workshop sets you ahead of the Game


Create a Powerful Innovation Culture with an Innovation acceleration workshop

An Experimental Learning Experience for your Organisation

Learn how to innovate together with your colleagues from across your organisation

Gugins Innovation acceleration workshop 

Innovation is crucial for the competitiveness of your company. Unfortunately, most innovation projects don't deliver the expected outcome.

Why do Innovation projects fail?

In short, because they are usually focused on a narrow part of the value chain. In order for innovation projects to really become successful, you have to innovate across the value chain, across corporate subcultures and sometimes with your customers and suppliers.


Most Innovation Projects

Most innovation projects are narrow. You innovate a new product, a great new way of delivering your product, a new promotion tactic for your product, new ways of collaborating, etc. It is all great, but not good enough.

When innovation dies it is too late to change. So it is very important to maintain the habit of innovation even if you don't have to

Cross-functional Innovation

You only gain a long-term competitive advantage if you can innovate across different functions and subcultures in your organisation. But that is extremely challenging because everyone has their own agenda, different values, norms, objectives. On top of that, we have an internal rivalry between different department in the company.

Working together with people who are very different from oneself is challenging and therefore usually avoided.

But in this case it is necessary, and at this experimental workshop you will learn how you can do it

The healthcare industry is an area where Gugin has delivered a lot of value in terms of boosting innovation

What will Gugins Innovation acceleration workshop do for you?

You will learn to acknowledge and appreciate the different perspectives on how you can achieve your company's goals

You will learn the 10 types of innovation and how you can incorporate the various perspectives into innovation of much higher quality, that can't be copied by competitors that easily

You will learn a structured innovation process that can be easily applied almost everywhere

You will learn how to stimulate your creative brain as an individual as well as in a team.

You will learn how to facilitate an innovation process involving a great deal of professional and cultural diversity.

Gugin has a lot of workshops that will help your organisation accelerate innovation. Have a look for yourself.

1 or 2-day Innovation acceleration workshop?

You can choose between a 1-day intensive Innovation acceleration workshop, where there will be focused on the introduction to the concepts or a 2-day workshop where we will have more time for experimental learning working with the real innovation issues in your organisation.

The choice is entirely yours

Practical information about Gugins Innovation acceleration workshop

The Gugin Innovation acceleration workshop is facilitated at a location of your choice. Maximum 20 people can participate and the group should be as diverse as possible representing several parts of your company. Ideally, it is a location away from the participants' daily environment.

At least 2 weeks before the Innovation acceleration workshop we agree on specifically what you want to achieve, the current cultural and organisational obstacles. That is necessary for us to customise the workshop specifically to your needs

Let us get started!

An Innovation acceleration workshop will always be customised to your needs. Get in touch today and let us talk about how you want your organisation to create a competitive advantage through innovation

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