Why Fighting Climate Change has to be embedded in Corporate Cultures
Fighting climate change has to be embedded in the corporate cultures for a number of reasons. Learn why and how you change the corporate culture
Fighting climate change has to be embedded in the corporate cultures for a number of reasons. Learn why and how you change the corporate culture
A lot of people want to become a leader. This article is about why you most likely will fail to become a leader. The article is also about what you can do yourself to change that situation. But you will probably find it is much harder than you anticipated.
Learn how to calculate the competitive advantage derived from cultural diversity, cultural intelligence and innovation.
#competitiveadvantage #innovation #diversity #leadership
Cross Cultural Management is challenging to most managers. This article outlines 3 of the challenges and suggests how you can deal with them
I gave my students in “Leadership across Cultures” the exam question: “Which rules and norms will you break in order to be considered a leader?” This article covers some of the findings and delivers a glimpse of what future employers can expect from ambitious american students