by Finn Majlergaard | 13. Jan, 2022
When a company goes international or merge with another company the leadership skills need to be upgraded in order to be able to tackle the new level of diversity. Gugin facilitates leadership development in small as well as large corporations, non-profit organisations and government agencies.
by Finn Majlergaard | 22. Dec, 2021
Why is it that 2/3 of all mergers and acquisitions fail to meet their original objectives due to cultural clashes? Our research shows that it is because the cultural friction is ignored or underestimated and because the management doesn’t have the necessary skills and/or time to do a proper integration. If your company shouldn’t end up between the 2/3 of the companies that fail we suggest you contact us as early as possible so we proactively can plan the post-merger integration process instead of agreeing on a damage control assignment.
by Finn Majlergaard | 22. Nov, 2021
Let Gugin perform a cultural due diligence on your organization and get the cultural DNA, which will clarify your core strengths and weaknesses in your organization. It will also help you to determine which changes should be made to the corporate culture for it to support the current strategy, values and objectives.
by Finn Majlergaard | 8. Sep, 2021
Gugin provide damage control when the tension in the organization get out of hand