Which colors do you associate with the days of the week?
How are colors related to cultures? What do we associate with different colors? Is there at all an correlation?
In Gugin we are curious about everything that has to do with cultural diversity. This is the only way we can increase our understanding and become even better at helping our clients.
Concerning colors we already know that so called western companies have a preference for blue in their logo’s, while asian companies have a preference for red. But how do we associate colors to week days? This is what we are going to research further in this short survey. It will take you less than 5 minutes to complete and when we have 5000 answers we will publish the results in one of our newsletters, so we will be grateful if you will use the share buttons above and share the survey on your favorite social medias.
[wpsqt name="colors of the weekdays" type="survey"]