We often hear the argument that a country should be run like a business. We hear that politicians are talentless and that they have no knowledge about the real life. The people who are standing on the side shouting this are usually people who are (or claim to be)...
Finn Majlergaard
From FOMO to JOMO :: A paradigm shift in our view on Social Media
Relax; FOMO is fading away FOMO, which is the "Fear Of Missing Out" has for many years been the key enabler for our use of Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You have probably read stories about people who got depressed over not being a part of an...
Your Comfort Zone is the most dangerous Place to be
I recently facilitated a global leadership workshop for a group of very introverted MBA students - actually the most introverted group I have ever had. It was not a group of executive MBA students so they have both their life and challenges ahead of them. One of the...
Cultural fit or Skills? What is most important when hiring people?
Cultural fit or skills – what is most important when you hire people? You will probably say both, but which one comes first? Do you start by looking for people who culturally fit into your organisation or do you start by looking for specific skills for a specific job?
3 topics all leaders should have on their cultural radar screen in 2024
Leaders are often so tied up with short-term issues that they don’t see the iceberg in front of them. Here are 3 topics that should be on their radar screen.
Are you in a toxic Work Culture? – Blow the whistle
Toxic work culture is bad for both you and your company Do you ever have the feeling that you have to pull all your energy together in order to be able to go to work? Do you have anxiety when entering your workplace? A toxic work culture can have a huge negative...
Leverage cultural diversity and accelerate organisational effectiveness
Want to boost innovation power, employee satisfaction and competitive advantage in your organisation? To leverage cultural diversity is probably one of the most overlooked disciplines in modern management and leadership. 2/3 of all mergers and acquisitions fail due to...
Cultural Intelligence, what is it and how do you develop it?
What is Cultural Intelligence? Wikipedia defines Cultural Intelligence or CQ as "Cultural intelligence or cultural quotient (CQ) is a term used in business, education, government and academic research. Cultural intelligence can be understood as the capability to...
Fear as a Management tool? – Take the Survey
How often do you use fear to motivate? In the Gugin Research Team, we are about to start researching on how, when and why we as managers use fear as a management tool. Our preliminary research shows that some use it often, others never but almost everyone we have...
How is Corporate Culture and Customer Loyalty Connected?
You can’t trick customers or employees into being loyal to your Company or Brand. You can only achieve long-term loyalty from customers and employees if your corporate culture is transparent, you do what you say and that you are willing to make sacrifices for your values.