Finn Majlergaard

Dr Finn Majlergaard is the founder and CEO of Gugin. He is leading the global Gugin team when helping companies around the world developing winning corporate cultures. He is also a serial entrepreneur, professor, author and an award-winning keynote speaker Visit his LinkedIn profile here:
How to deal with tough dilemmas as a leader

How to deal with tough dilemmas as a leader

Leadership is a challenging journey filled with tough dilemmas. As a leader, it is crucial to have the skills and strategies to navigate these difficult situations effectively. In this blog post, we will explore some examples of tough dilemmas and provide insights on...

The Nobel peace Prize to Europe – A Warning

I am always looking forward to see who are honored with the Nobel peace prize. Usually the winner of this prestigious award has done a lot to promote peace or fight injustice in a part of the world that deserves international attention - a Nobel peace prize...

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