Food for Thoughts from Gugin

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 The Gugin blog posts on how you can create a better, more agile and more competitive corporate culture are all here


The Nobel peace Prize to Europe – A Warning

I am always looking forward to see who are honored with the Nobel peace prize. Usually the winner of this prestigious award has done a lot to promote peace or fight injustice in a part of the world that deserves international attention - a Nobel peace prize...

Check if your colleagues are cultural intelligent

Check if your colleagues are cultural intelligent

The not so cultural intelligent Colleague - a true story You are a sales representative for a large global software company in the United Kingdom. You consider yourself cultural intelligent as you have worked in many countries around the world in many different...

How to successfully screw up a business meeting

How to successfully screw up a business meeting

It happens all the time - we screw up a business meeting. We have an important business meeting coming up (first meeting with mother-in-law included) and we need it go well. We are well-prepared. We know all the numbers forward and backwards, we have our sales pitches...

Post-merger integration – the top 3 reasons why it usually fails

Post-merger integration – the top 3 reasons why it usually fails

According to most surveys, including those from BusinessWeek and McKinsey quarterly 2/3 of all mergers and acquisitions fail to meet their objectives due to cultural clashes. In Gugin we have spent thousands of hours and a lot of money researching the reason behind this and develop services that help bring down that ratio.

Future Cultural Challenges for Airlines and Airports

Future Cultural Challenges for Airlines and Airports

Executive Summary IATA has forecasted that passenger demand to double over 20 Years with the fastest-growing markets in Asia and Sub-saharan Africa. This is no surprise that the emerging and frontier market economies account for the biggest growth in the near future....

Dilemma 3: Are you corrupt?

Are you corrupt? Usually when you ask people if they are corrupt they will answer "No!". But the truth is that we can all end up being corrupt if the pressure on us is big enough. Will will not be proud of it, many will not speak about it and most people will feel a...

Can you do too much for your employees?

Can you do too much for your employees?

We raise the question because we did a large survey for a client last month that gave some surprising results - results that will require some further research - for sure, but we will disclose the conclusions with you in this article. We have anonymised the name and...

You can’t make a dog happy by wagging its tail

You can’t make a dog happy by wagging its tail

This post is about employee satisfaction. More specifically about why it is so hard to achieve and why we continuously continue to do all the wrong things to increase employee satisfaction. My motivation to write this post comes from many of our clients, who don't...

The potential curse of the next generation in family-owned companies

The potential curse of the next generation in family-owned companies

Many of the companies who have been in business for more than 100 years are family-owned and Hoshi Ryokan, Founded in 718 AD, in Japan, Hoshi Ryokan is the oldest continuously operated family business in the world Most people and the vast majority of the entertainment...

Gugins services – How are they developed

Gugins services – How are they developed

  This short article is going to deal with one of the questions we are asked very often; "How are Gugins services developed and how do you know where to focus?" To answer the second part of the question first, the answer is easy - we ask our clients. Since 2001...

Which Rules are you ready to break to be considered a Leader?

I gave my students in “Leadership across Cultures” the exam question: “Which rules and norms will you break in order to be considered a leader?” This article covers some of the findings and delivers a glimpse of what future employers can expect from ambitious american students

Why Business Leaders shouldn’t run Countries

Why Business Leaders shouldn’t run Countries

We often hear the argument that a country should be run like a business. We hear that politicians are talentless and that they have no knowledge about the real life. The people who are standing on the side shouting this are usually people who are (or claim to be)...

Your Comfort Zone is the most dangerous Place to be

Your Comfort Zone is the most dangerous Place to be

I recently facilitated a global leadership workshop for a group of very introverted MBA students - actually the most introverted group I have ever had. It was not a group of executive MBA students so they have both their life and challenges ahead of them. One of the...

Cultural fit or Skills? What is most important when hiring people?

Cultural fit or Skills? What is most important when hiring people?

Cultural fit or skills – what is most important when you hire people? You will probably say both, but which one comes first? Do you start by looking for people who culturally fit into your organisation or do you start by looking for specific skills for a specific job?

Are you in a toxic Work Culture? – Blow the whistle

Are you in a toxic Work Culture? – Blow the whistle

Toxic work culture is bad for both you and your company Do you ever have the feeling that you have to pull all your energy together in order to be able to go to work? Do you have anxiety when entering your workplace? A toxic work culture can have a huge negative...

Cultural Intelligence, what is it and how do you develop it?

Cultural Intelligence, what is it and how do you develop it?

What is Cultural Intelligence? Wikipedia defines Cultural Intelligence or CQ as "Cultural intelligence or cultural quotient (CQ) is a term used in business, education, government and academic research. Cultural intelligence can be understood as the capability to...

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